目的 分析外伤性化脓性眼内炎的细菌培养影响因素。方法 在 30例外伤性化脓性眼内炎的玻璃体切除术 ,于灌注液中加入庆大霉素前后分别取离心和非离心标本进行细菌培养。结果 灌注液中加入庆大霉素前细菌培养阳性率 5 3 33 % ,庆大霉素加入后细菌培养阳性率 41 6 7% ;离心标本细菌培养阳性率 5 8 33 % ,非离心标本细菌培养阳性率 36 6 7%。结论 外伤化脓性眼内炎玻璃体切除物细菌培养阳性率与离心有关 ,与灌注液应用庆大霉素关系不大。
Study the factors that influence bacteria culture in vitrectomy for traumatic suppurative endophthalmitis.Methods Vitrectomy was performed on 30 cases of traumatic suppurative endophthalmitis.And concentrated and non concentrated samples of vitreous were sent to culture for bacteria before and after Gentamicin was poured into BSS.Results The positive rate of bacteria culture of samples which contain no Gentamicin was 53.33%(that contain Gentamicin was 41.62%);the positive rate of bacteria culture of samples which was concentrated was 58.33%;that of it which was not concentrated was 36.67%.Conclusion The positive rate of bacteria culture was relative to concentration of samples,was no relative to Gentamicin.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries