
云龙湖沉积物中氮磷含量和碱性磷酸酶活性季节变化分析 被引量:4

Seasonal Variation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus and Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Yunlong Lake Sediment
摘要 徐州市云龙湖是具有代表性的城市浅水型湖泊,对云龙湖环湖20个取样点的沉积物进行了采样调查,分析了其氮磷含量和碱性磷酸酶活性的季节性变化特征。结果表明,云龙湖沉积物中,不同深度总氮含量变幅在0.063~1.62 mg/g,秋季>夏季>春季>冬季,季节变化显著;总磷含量变幅为0.005~0.92 mg/g,秋季>冬季>春季>夏季,季节变化显著;碱性磷酸酶活性最高为554.03 mg/(kg.h),最低为43.90 mg/(kg.h),夏季>秋季>春季>冬季,季节变化显著,与总磷含量呈正相关。人类活动强度较大区域的沉积物氮磷含量较高,微生物对沉积物氮磷含量影响与不同季节环境温度有密切关系。 Yunlong Lake is a typical urban shallow lake. The stratification sediment samplings of 20 moni- toring points in Luoma Lake were investigated, 'and the seasonal changes and vertical distributions of nitrogen, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase in the sediments were analyzed. The results showed that the total nitrogen contents in different depths varied from 0.063 mg/g to 1.62 mg/g, autumn was the highest in autumn, the second in summer, the third in spring and the lowest in winter; the seasonal changes in the total nitrogen con- tent was significant. The total phosphorus contents in different depths varied from 0.005 mg/g to 0.92 mg/g, autumn 〉 winter 〉 spring 〉 summer, the seasonal changes significant. The highest activity of alkaline phosphatase was 554.03 mg/(kg.h), the lowest was 43.90 mg/(kg . h), summer 〉 autumn 〉 spring 〉 winter; the seasonal changes were significant, and the total phosphorus content was positively related to the al- kaline phosphatase activity. The areas in which the intensity of human activity was greater, the nitrogen and phosphorus contents in the sediments were higher, the microbial effect on the nitrogen and phosphorus contents of the sediment was closely related to the environmental temperature in different seasons.
出处 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期209-215,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
基金 国家住房与城乡建设部科技资助项目(2011-K6-27) 江苏省住房与城乡建设厅科技计划项目(200906170001)
关键词 云龙湖 沉积物 氮磷 碱性磷酸酶 季节变化 Yunlong Lake sediment TN & TP alkaline phosphatase seasonal variation
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