
不同体长草鱼幼鱼鱼体化学组成的研究 被引量:7

Chemical Composition in Juvenile Ctenopharyngodon idella at Different Body Length
摘要 2011年11月于重庆市北碚区歇马镇采集草鱼幼鱼40尾,体质量范围16.2~277.7g,体长范围9.4~25.1cm,分为4个体长组,分别测定鱼体化学组成,估算其能量密度,用于探讨草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)幼鱼鱼体化学组成随生长过程的变化规律.结果表明:草鱼幼鱼水分质量分数、蛋白质质量分数、脂肪质量分数和灰分质量分数占鱼体鲜质量的百分比范围分别为73.31%~77.21%,13.42%~16.81%,2.21~6.13%,3.27%~4.30%,能量密度范围为4.22~6.10kJ/g.蛋白质质量分数、脂肪质量分数和能量密度随体长增加呈增加趋势,而灰分质量分数变化无明显规律.统计分析表明体长与蛋白质质量分数、脂肪质量分数和能量密度呈显著的正线性关系,水分质量分数与蛋白质质量分数、脂肪质量分数和能量密度均呈显著的负线性关系.研究结果表明,采用草鱼幼鱼的体长和水分质量分数估算其蛋白质质量分数、脂肪质量分数和能量密度是可行的;草鱼幼鱼身体脂肪质量分数及其随生长增加的速率较低,可能与其草食性有关. Forty specimens of juvenile Ctenopharyngodon idella with a body weight (W) in the range of 16.2-277. 7 g and a body length (L) in the range of 9.4-25.1 cm were collected from Xiema town, Bei- bei, Chongqing in November, 2011 and divided into 4 groups based on their body length. The body chemi- cal composition of each group was measured and the energy density was estimated to investigate the varia- tion in these indicators with their increasing body size. The results showed that the contents, or mass frac- tions, of water (WAT), protein (PRO), lipid (FAT) and ash (ASH), represented by the percentages of fresh body weight, were in the range of 73.31%-77.21%, 13. 42%-16.81%, 2.21--6.13% and 3.27%-4.30%, respectively. The energy density (E) ranged from 4.22 to 6.10 kJ/g. PRO, FAT and E in- creased with increasing L, while ASH varied erratically. PRO, FAT, and E were in a significant positive correlation with L, and the regression equations were PRO=0. 099 4L+13.7 (r2 =0. 351, n=40, p〈0. 01), FAT=0. 110L+2. 21 (r^2 =0. 214, n=40, p〈0.01), and E=0. 066 9L+4.12 (r^2 =0. 376, n=40, p〈0.01), respectively. In contrast, PRO, FAT and E were in a significant negative correlation with WAT, and the regression equations were PRO=-0. 366WAT+43.1 (r^2 =0. 369, n=40, p〈0.01), FAT=-0. 676WAT+55.1 (r^2 =0. 628, n=40, p〈0.01), and E=-0. 353WAT+31.9 (r^2 =0. 816, n= 40, p〈0.01). The above results suggest that the contents of protein, lipid and energy density of juvenile C. idella can be estimated by its L and WAT. The lower content and slow accumulation of lipid with in- creasing body size in this fish species may result from its herbivority.
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期41-45,共5页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31000958) 重庆市科委重点实验室专项经费资助项目
关键词 草鱼 体长 化学组成 脂肪质量分数 能量密度 Ctenopharyngodon idella body length chemical cornposition lipid content energy density
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