
影响民营科技企业隐性知识分享的因素研究 被引量:5

Research on Factors Affecting Share of Tacit Knowledge in Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises
摘要 隐性知识较显性知识更完善、更能创造价值,隐性知识的挖掘和利用能力已成为个人和组织成功的关键。民营科技企业作为我国经济活动中非常活跃的一股重要力量,亟须将隐藏在内部的隐性知识更好地转化为现实的生产力。在分析隐性知识的内涵及民营科技企业隐性知识结构的基础上,分别从个体、群体(团队)和组织三个方面对制约民营科技企业隐性知识分享的因素进行了分析和探讨。 Compared with explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge is much more perfect and can be used to create valuable things. The ability of exploiting and utilizing tacit knowledge has become the significant factor to success for an individual or an organization. Private scientific and technological enterprises, as one of the main parts of national economy in China, desire to transfer the internal tacit knowledge into the productivity in the reality. The paper analyzes the nature of tacit knowledge and the factors that restrict the share of tacit knowledge in private scientific and technological enterprises in detail from individual, group and organization based on infrastructure of tacit knowledge.
作者 孔令富
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期151-154,共4页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家航空科学基金项目"航空科研院所知识创新与知识分享的产权激励制度设计"(2009ZG55013) 河南省软科学研究计划项目"经济可持续发展视域下河南高层次人才集聚及结构优化问题研究"(112400450110) 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目"高校教师领导力生成机制研究"(12A630044)
关键词 民营科技企业 隐性知识 知识分享 private scientific and technological enterprises tacit knowledge knowledge sharing
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