
基于云计算的分布式电费计算系统研究及实证 被引量:2

Empirical Study of Distributed Electricity Calculation System Based on Cloud Computing
摘要 随着经济的发展,电网客户规模快速增长,"算费"数据量越来越大,而且省级大集中的业务趋势也为算费带来高并发访问量。为应对电费计算系统面临的巨大挑战,文中利用云计算中的分布式计算等技术,基于一种信任驱动的任务调度算法TR_Max-min,提出了新的分布式电费计算平台的系统结构,并在电网的IT环境中进行了系统实现。通过模拟电费计算任务,验证了该系统对海量数据信息的综合处理效率的提高。作为一种有效的电网运行大计算量的任务解决方法,为智能电网电费计算提供了一个实时可靠的系统结构模型。 With the development of economics, the power grid customer scale is rapidly growing. Data quantity is bigger and bigger. At the same time, the business trend of the province brings the high concurrent. In order to meet the great challenges for electricity calculation system, distributed computing technology was researched. Based on a trust driver task scheduling algorithm TR_Max-min, the system structure of electricity computing platforms was put forward and implemented in the grid IT environment. The efficiency was proved for massive data information comprehensive processing ability by simulating calculation tasks. As a kind of effective solution to operation of power grid computation tasks, it provides a reliable real-time system structure model for smart grid.
作者 苏凯
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2013年第4期217-220,225,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 广东电网公司(南方电网)计划项目(K-GD2011-446)
关键词 云计算 电费计算 分布式计算 负载均衡 cloud computing electricity calculation distributed computing load balance
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