
巨噬细胞诱发的实验性PVR中玻璃体内四种早期炎源性细胞因子 被引量:3

Proinflammatory cytokines in vitreous of experimental PVR model induced by macrophages
摘要 目的 观察炎性 PVR模型中早期炎源性细胞因子的含量变化 ,及其与 PVR形成时相的关系。方法 采集由巨噬细胞诱发的兔眼 PVR模型的玻璃体液和静脉血 ,用双抗体夹心法 EL ISA试剂盒 ,检测样本中肿瘤坏死因子 -α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素 - 1β、8和 6 (IL - 1β)、IL - 8和 IL - 6 )的含量 ,并进行多元回归似合曲线分析。结果 玻璃体内 TNF-α和 IL - 1β含量在巨噬细胞注入后 7天上升 ,2 1天达峰值 30 9pg/ m l和 2 34 pg/ ml,IL - 8与 IL - 6在 7天~ 2 1天维持高水平 ,在 14天达峰值 132 5 pg/ m l和 998pg/ m l,而 IL - 1β在 14天~ 2 8天呈高水平。与对照组相比有显著差异。结论  TNF-α、IL - 1β、IL - 8和 IL - 6在本模型的炎症期和细胞增生期均呈明显的高水平 ,IL - 1β在瘢痕期仍呈较高水平 ,提示它们对眼内细胞增生和修复具有重要的启动和调控作用。 Objective To investigate the concentration changes of the proinflammatory cytokines in the vitreous of rabbit PVR model induced by macrophages and the relationship with natural course of PVR formation.Methods The above macrophage suspension was injected to the rabbits intravitreally for PVR inducement.The animals were observed on the 7d,14d,21d,and 28d.The vitreous were extracted pre-and post-injection at above point of times.The data were calculated statistically.Results The trend of concentration changes in the PVR vitreous indicated that TNF-α and IL-1β went up from 0d to 21st d which parallel to the inflammatory and cellular proliferative stages of PVR,then IL-1β kept the high level in the scarring stage.IL-8 rapidly increased in the first 7d and kept their peaks between 14th d and 21st d with IL-6.There were no significant changes of the concentrations in the control eyes'vitreous and serum during the experimentation.Conclusions The inereasing of TNF-α IL-1β,IL-8 and IL-6 in the vitreous parallel to the inflammatory and proliferatory stages indicates they may play important role of initiating stage and mediate the development of PVR.The changes of IL-1β maintained its plateau at the regenerative stage which means it may play the role in scarring formation besides in the early period.
出处 《临床眼科杂志》 2000年第4期307-310,共4页 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 PVR 巨噬细胞 炎源细胞因子 TNF-α 玻璃体 Proliferative Ritreoretinopathy(PVR) Macrophage Proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α IL-1β IL-8 IL-6
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