目的 :建立高效液相色谱法测定中药虎杖中大黄素的含量。方法 :色谱柱 Kesolve C18;流动相 :甲醇 :水 ( 78:2 2 ) ,检测波长 2 5 4nm。结果 :该法线性范围 5~ 5 0μg/ml,回收率 98.3 % ,RSD为 1.2 3 %。结论 :本法简便、灵敏 。
OBJECTIVE:To establish the determination method of emodin in Polygonum cuspidatum with HPLC.METHODS:Using Kesolve C 18 Colum,methanol-water (65:35) as the mobile phase,and detection wavelengh at 254 nm.RESULT:The Liner range of emodin was 5~50 μg/ml,recovery of sample was 98.3% and RSD was 1.23%.CONCLUSION:The method was simple and convenient,accurate,and it provided a effective method for quality evaluation of Polygonum cuspidatum.
Primary Journal of Chinese Materia Medica