
城市餐厨垃圾产生现状调查及影响因素分析 被引量:41

Investigation and Output Factors Analysis of Restaurant Garbage for Cities in China
摘要 在我国选取有地域代表性的4个城市:青岛、嘉兴、贵阳、西宁,通过问卷与实地跟踪形式调查各城市餐厨垃圾产量,并分析了4个城市餐厨垃圾成分特征。结果表明:青岛、嘉兴、贵阳、西宁4个城市餐厨垃圾产量分别为265、163、579和355 t/d;4个城市餐厨垃圾的含水率、可燃物含量、营养物含量分别为73.67%~78.27%、0.93%~2.48%、9.04%~15.59%,其中西宁和贵阳餐厨垃圾中的油脂含量相对较高,青岛和嘉兴餐厨垃圾中的杂物含量相对较多。应用灰色关联度分析法计算了餐厨垃圾产量的影响因素,如人口数量、性别比例、人均GDP、城市居民人均消费支出和食品人均消费支出与产生量的关联度,各影响因素与餐厨垃圾产量的关联度大小依次为城市人口〉性别比例〉食品人均消费支出〉人均GDP〉城市居民人均消费支出。 Qingdao,Jiaxing,Guiyang and Xining were chosen as the cities on behalf of different districts of China.The investigation of restaurant garbage output was carried out by the form of questionnaires and on-site tracking,and the components of restaurant garbage of four cities were analyzed.Investigation results show that restaurant garbage outputs of Qingdao,Jiaxing,Guiyang,and Xining are estimated as 265,163,579 and 355 t/d.Water contents,combustibles contents and nutrient contents of restaurant garbage in the four cities are 73.67%~78.27%,0.93%~2.48%,9.04%~15.59% respectively.Oil contents of restaurant garbage in Xining and Guiyang,and sundries contents of restaurant garbage in Qingdao and Jiaxing are relatively high.The gray relational analysis method was used to calculate the relational degree between the output and effect factors,such as population size,sex ratio,GDP per capita,per capita consumption of city people,per capita food consumption.The relational degree between effect factors and restaurant garbage output is in the order as population size> sex ratio> per capita food consumption > GDP per capita > per capita consumption of city people.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期181-185,共5页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项(201109035) 北京工商大学青年启动基金项目(QNJJ2012-23)
关键词 餐厨垃圾 产量调查 成分分析 灰色关联分析 restaurant garbage output survey component analysis gray relational analysis
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