目的检测全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)患儿的血清降钙素原(PCT)、内毒素(ET)改变,探讨其在SIRS的诊断意义。方法采用半定量固相免疫测定法测定118例SIRS患儿的血清PCT,ELISA法测定ET,并同时与血清C反应蛋白进行比较,观察各指标在不同程度和不同感染的SIRS的表达,同期随机选取普通感染患儿100例作为对照组。结果 SIRS多器官损害组患儿的PCT、ET和CRP值均较单器官损害组(单器官受损或感染重而无器官受损)患儿高,细菌培养阳性组的PCT、ET和CRP较病毒抗体阳性组高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。SIRS组中ET与PCT有一定的相关性(r=0.55147,P<0.05)。结论 PCT、ET联合检测能有效鉴别SIRS患者细菌感染和非细菌感染,并与感染程度有关,有一定的临床价值。
Objective To investigate the significance of procalcitonin (PCT) and endotoxin (ET) from serum in children with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Methods The serum levels of PCT and ET were measured in 118 patients with SIRS, as well as the plasma Creative protein (CRP) was measured at the same time. Compared the levels of the different index in SIRS due to different degree infection. 100 cases with normal infection disease were randomly selected as a control group. Results The levels of PCT,ET and CRP in multiple organs dysfunction group were higher than that of the single organ dysfunction group (P 〈 0.05). The levels of PCT, ET and CRP in positive ger- micuhure group were higher than that in positive virus antibody (P 〈 0.05). it also showed a positive correlation be- tween the levels of ET and PCT in SIRS group (r=0.551 47, P 〈 0.05). Conclusion Combined PCT and ET determina- tion in the patients of SIRS can effectively identify bacterial infection and nonbacterial infection, and they are related to the degree of infection, and have clinical value in some degree.
China Modern Doctor
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome