

How and What Kind of Meaning of Universality the “Chinese Model” Possesses
摘要 "中国模式"的普遍性是正确看待"中国模式"所不能回避的问题。否定"中国模式"的普遍性意义,意味着否定"中国模式"对其他发展中国家的借鉴作用;承认"中国模式"的绝对普遍性,首先不符合普遍性获得的逻辑,其次易使部分西方国家产生误解。从哲学角度,检讨普遍性及其获得途径在历史上存在的差异,说明"中国模式"具有一定的普遍性意义,但不具备绝对的普遍意义。 The universality of "Chinese Model" is an unavoidable issue in the correct judgment of the "Chinese Model". To deny the universality of "Chinese Model" means to deny the referential significance of the "Chinese Model" for other developing countries. But if we think "Chinese Model" has an absolute universality, not only does it disobey the logic of acquiring universality, but also will make some western countries misunderstand about China. From philosophical point of view, an inspection of the meaning of univer- sality and its different ways of acquisition in history testifies that "Chinese Model" certainly gets some degree of universality, but not absolute universality.
出处 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期68-73,共6页 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
基金 安徽省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目:"马克思社会发展理论视域中‘中国模式’的普遍性意义研究"(2011SK170) 安徽工程大学马克思主义理论一级学科博士硕士授权单位培育支持建设项目(20122013SZKJSGC4-4)
关键词 中国模式 普遍性 普遍主义 Chinese Model Universality Universalism
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