
创业板上市公司高管持股减持的法律困境与解决对策 被引量:3

Legal dilemmas of executive stock ownership holdings of companies listed on GEM and Solutions
摘要 创业板上市公司高管持股减持现象,成为我国目前证券市场的焦点。人们对创业板上市公司高管持股减持的规定存有异议,尤其对较多高管通过辞职离职等规定的漏洞,转让所持股份获利,深表不满,形象地将创业板誉为"造福板"、"摘桃板"等。为此,可通过修订我国《公司法》、《证券法》等有关条款,重新规制创业板上市公司高管持股延长禁售期、禁售情形,规范上市公司高管辞职离职持股解禁制度,明确创业板上市公司高管社会责任等。 GEM listed company executive stock ownership holdings phenomenon, has become the focus of our current stock market. Have objections to the provisions of executive stock ownership holdings of companies listed on GEM, in particular, more executives vulnerability prescribed by the resignation of separation, the transfer of shares held by profit, deeply dissatisfied that they would be hailed as the image of the GEM the benefit of the board "," pick peaches board ", which need revision and improvement of China~ relevant laws and regulations. Proposed a- mendments to the Companies Act, the Securities Act and other relevant provisions of executive stock ownership of the companies listed on GEM re- regulation to extend the lock -up period, the lock -up situation, the specifications listed company executives resign resignation the shareholding lifted system explicitly GEM executives of listed compa- nies social responsibility.
作者 刘云亮
机构地区 海南大学法学院
出处 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 2013年第2期101-107,共7页 Journal of Political Science and Law
基金 "海南大学211建设项目重点资助课题"阶段性成果
关键词 创业板 上市公司 公司高管 持股减持 GEM listed companies company executives holdings holdings
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