

Challenge and Development Strategy of Adherence to Teacher Education in Newly-Promoted Local Colleges——Take Guangxi for Example
摘要 国家教育优先发展战略的实施和基础教育师资缺口给地方院校教师教育提供了难得的发展机遇,但广西新升本地方院校坚守教师教育面临着多方面的挑战,新升本地方院校教师教育要抓住机遇,明确办学思路与定位,并通过大幅增加资金投入、积极开展教育教学改革、加大师资培养和引进力度等措施,在服务地方基础教育发展的过程中不断发展壮大。 The implementation of education prior development strategy and the shortage of basic education teachers provide a developing opportunity for teacher education in local colleges, but the teacher education in the newly-promoted local colleges of Guangxi is facing a lot of challenges. Therefore,the newly-promoted local colleges should seize the opportunity and clear the schooling ideas and orientation. Teacher education can be developed and strengthened through the education and teaching reform, teacher training and recruiting during the process of serving the local basic education.
作者 谢龙华 杨奔
机构地区 梧州学院
出处 《高教论坛》 2013年第4期20-23,共4页 higher education forum
基金 广西2010年度教师教育研究课题委托重点课题"升格院校坚守教师教育特色战略选择研究"(桂教师范[2010]60号)
关键词 地方院校 教师教育 挑战 local colleges teacher education challenge
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