In China, the time-of-use (TOU) electricity price at generating side has been implemented in multi provincial power grids, and according to current policy the floating proportion of TOU is drafted in the principle of keeping overall price level constant. However, in view of being continually changed power source slructure and situation of power supply and demand, there is evident difference between actual implementation results and designed TOU schemes, and it leads to obvious affection on benefits of transmission network companies and power generation enterprises, so that the execution of the policy of TOU at generating side is stopped in part of provincial power grids. Besides, on actual operation level, above-mentioned principle can only give the relationship of the ratio in the floating proportion of TOU and the concrete value of floating proportion of TOU is still determined by the policymaker, thus there is a certain subjectivity. In allusion to this problem, in accordance with pricing theory based on long-term marginal cost and according to actual condition of a certain provincial power grid, a calculation model of floating proportion of TOU is established to prevent the defect due to artificially drafting the floating proportion. Meanwhile, an adjustment mechanism of TOU at generating side is designed, in which the existing static adjustment scheme is siabstituted by dynamical adjustment scheme to alleviate the affections of TOU policy on generating enterprises and transmission network companies by coordinated floating proportion scheme and coordinated selling price scheme. The designed adjustment mechanism of TOU at generating side is favorable to long-term execution of TOU policy.
Power System Technology
generation price
time-of-use price
long-term marginal pricing theory