应用反转录-巢式聚合酶链法(RT-nPCR)对苏中某猪场猪粪便标本和生猪屠宰中心猪胆汁标本进行HEVRNA的检测,并对部分阳性标本进行克隆测序及阳性分析,以探讨猪戊型肝炎在该地区的流行特点。结果表明:采集的90份胆汁标本中,有4份HEV检测呈阳性,阳性率为4.44%。在140份猪粪便标本中,只有3~4月龄的35份标本中检出3份HEV RNA阳性,阳性率为8.57%。其余月龄粪便标本中均未检出HEV RNA阳性。序列分析发现猪HEV相互之间在ORF2部分区域的核苷酸序列的同源性为88.0%~100.0%。与基因Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ型的同源性为78.0%~86.0%,81.3%~82.7%,78.7%~84.0%,86.0%~98.7%。证明该地区存在猪戊肝病毒,且该猪源HEV属于基因Ⅳ型。
RT-nPCR detection of HEV RNA of pig feces and bile samples of a local pig farm in central region of Jiangsu was conducted. The positive PCR products were cloned and sequenced. Through investigating the HEV infection in swine of central region of Jiangsu, the popular features of swine hepatitis E virus was explored. Ruselts showed that totally 4 of 90 pigs' bile samples were positive for HEV RNA and the positive rate was 4.44%. In the 140 pigs' feces samples, only 35 feces samples of three or four mouths pigs were positive for HEV RNA. The other feces samples of pigs were negative for HEV RNA. The sequence analysis showed that the identity at nucleotide level was 88. 0 %--100.0 % among them. They shared 78.0%--86.0%, 81.3%0--82.7%, 78.7%--84.0% and 86.0%--98.7%0 nucleotide sequence identity with HEV genotype I , 1I , HI and IV, respectively, in the region. The hepatitis E virus in swine was widespread and it belonged to genotype IV.
Journal of Yangzhou University:Agricultural and Life Science Edition