There is a trend that, virtually everyone, rang- ing from big Web companies to traditional enterprisers to physical science researchers to social scientists, is either al- ready experiencing or anticipating unprecedented growth in the amount of data available in their world, as well as new op- portunities and great untapped value. This paper reviews big data challenges from a data management respective. In partic- ular, we discuss big data diversity, big data reduction, big data integration and cleaning, big data indexing and query, and fi- nally big data analysis and mining. Our survey gives a brief overview about big-data-oriented research and problems.
There is a trend that, virtually everyone, rang- ing from big Web companies to traditional enterprisers to physical science researchers to social scientists, is either al- ready experiencing or anticipating unprecedented growth in the amount of data available in their world, as well as new op- portunities and great untapped value. This paper reviews big data challenges from a data management respective. In partic- ular, we discuss big data diversity, big data reduction, big data integration and cleaning, big data indexing and query, and fi- nally big data analysis and mining. Our survey gives a brief overview about big-data-oriented research and problems.
This work was partially done when the authors worked in SA Center for Big Data Research in Renmin University of China. This Center is funded by a Chinese National 111 Project Attracting Interna- tional Talents in Data Engineering Research. This paper was also partially supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 4112030) and National Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 61170011) and China Na- tional Social Security Foundation (Grant No: 12&ZD220).