

Impact of Vanishing Regional Culture on Public Design
摘要 中国是具有数千年历史的文明古国,经过了千百年文化沉淀所形成的区域文化,现今被人为性的改变,这个改变是将历史进程非渐变式的运转。城市的改造和再建在大规模地涤荡着城市的历史文化,摒弃着已有的文明内容,再建出西化了的城市形态和生活方式,而成为城市规划人新的追求目标。同时,城市规划人在大范围重建的城市环境中做了各个门类的设计。在西化的设计和建设的框架下,忽略了各区域自身的特色,只是大面积趋同化的产生。有基于此,以中国的燕赵文化为历史背景,对北京进行调查研究,进而以北京的四合院及其南池子为例,探讨了趋于消亡的区域文化对公共设计的影响。 China is an ancient country with history of thousands of years.However,the regional culture,formed after hundreds,even thousands of years has been changed in public design in recent years,which is a historical process of non-gradient operation.The transformation and reconstruction of the city is largely in the pursuit of western urban forms and ways of life instead of the original forms of our own.Chasing westernized style becomes urban designers’ new pursuit.At the same time,designers try to make various designs in cities’ wide ranges of reconstruction.Unfortunately,they ignore the regional characteristics in the process of adopting westernized construction framework,and therefore,a large area of assimilation emerges.Based on the history of Yan-Zhao culture,this paper did a survey around Beijing and takes Beijing quadrangle courtyards and Nanchizi as examples to analyze how vanishing regional culture influences public design.
机构地区 光州大学
出处 《设计艺术研究》 2013年第2期116-121,共6页 Design Research
关键词 区域文化 公共设计 北京四合院 北京南池子 regional culture public design Beijing quadrangle courtyard Beijing Nanchizi
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  • 2白金男.中国的公共设计必不可少[N]深圳特区报,2010A04.
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