
贵州黄平铁厂沟铝土矿床沉积特征 被引量:7

Sedimentary Characteristics of the Tiechanggou Bauxite Deposit in Huangping County,Guizhou province
摘要 通过对黔东南黄平铁厂沟铝土矿区大井、包老及鞭炮厂三个剖面沉积特征进行研究,发现大井剖面中以砾石、豆粒结构为主,致密块状构造少见,反映其形成环境为靠近河流入湖处;包老剖面广泛发育致密状与碎屑状铝土矿韵律,两者之间呈突变接触关系,说明其形成于靠近河道的湖岸环境或河流的漫流或片流入湖环境,为间歇性供给的产物;鞭炮厂剖面中以致密状铝土岩(矿)为主,揭示其形成于水体宁静的较深湖环境。三条剖面沉积特征反映成矿时古地理格局为北高南低的态势,成矿物质由河流从研究区北部带入湖泊或入湖口堆积成矿,因此,研究区北部是找铝土矿的优势区域。 The sedimentary characteristics of the Tiechanggou bauxite deposit from Huangping County, South east of Guizhou Province, is revealed by Dajing profile, Baolao profile and Bianpaochang profile. Bauxite in Da-jing is often with pisolito and gravel structure, while compacted fine and close bauxite is hardly observed, indica-ting that the depositional environment of which is the entrance of a lake. For the Baolao profile, sedimentary rhythm of elastic bauxite and fine-close bauxite was found and the boundary of the two is clear, which reflects its depositional environment is lakeshore around the river, or unconcentrated flow area. Bauxite ore in Bianpaochang are often characterized by fine and close structure, which illustrates that the ore deposited in abyss. All the sedi- mentary characteristics above reflect a paleogeographic framework of dipping southwards, therefore show that the mineral material is derived from the north area of Tiechanggou district, where we thought is the superior region for bauxite prospecting.
出处 《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第2期37-42,65,共7页 Journal of Guizhou University:Natural Sciences
基金 贵州省长基金(2009179) 贵州大学博士点学科建设基金(20105201110002)
关键词 沉积特征 铝土矿 铁厂沟 黄平 贵州 sediment characteristic Bauxite deposits Tiechanggou Huangping Guizhou
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