
5-氨基四唑硝仿盐的理论计算 被引量:2

Theoretical Computation of 5-Aminotetrazolium Nitroformate
摘要 采用量子化学方法研究了5-氨基四唑硝仿盐的结构和性能,计算了5-氨基四唑硝仿盐的密度、生成热、爆速、爆压等,其预测密度为1.93g·cm-3,估算爆速和爆压分别为9.47km·s-1和38.82GPa,爆轰性能高于TNT,RDX和HMX。 The structure and properties of 5-aminotetrazolium nitroformate were studied using quantum chemistry method. The density, heat of formation, detonation velocity and pressure were calculated. The calculated density was 1.93 g . cm 3, and the detonation velocity and pressure were 9.47 km. s-1 and 38.82 GPa, respectively. The detonation properties were better than those of TNT, RDX, HMX.
出处 《含能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期213-216,共4页 Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会与中国工程物理研究院联合基金(批准号:11176004)
关键词 物理化学 5-氨基四唑 硝仿 离子盐 爆轰性能 physical chemistry 5-aminotetrazole nitroform inoic salts detonation properties
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