由于知识产品的非物质性特点 ,知识产权的保护范围需由法律特别规定。这种规定不仅表现为权项范围的“界定” ,而且表现为效力范围的“限制” ;侵犯知识产权行为属于非法事实行为 ,其侵害对象是知识产品所有人的专有权利 ,该类侵权行为具有区别于一般侵权行为的特征 ;对于侵犯知识产权行为 ,宜采取二元归责原则 ,即在过错责任的基础上补充适用过错推定责任 ;法律对知识产权采取了民事、刑事、行政的多层次保护措施 。
The author in this paper believes the protective scope of intellectual property rights needs to be specially stipulated because of the nonmaterial characteristics of intellectual products.Those stipulations reflect not only the definition but also the limitation of the scope of validity.Infringement of intellectual property rights is an illegal factual conduct,which targets the exclusive right of the owner of intellectual products and differs from the ordinary torts.Regulating infringement of intellectual property rights,it is necessary to adopt the doctrine of dual liability criterion,i.e. fault liability and presumed fault liability. A multi protective and remedial system including civil,criminal,and administrative law measures should be adopted in the law of intellectual property rights.
Chinese Journal of Law