
子宫动脉介入治疗后剖宫产的手术配合 被引量:3

Operative cooperation and nursing for cesarean section following uterine artery interventional therapy
摘要 目的探讨子宫动脉介入治疗后剖宫产手术的配合与护理方法。方法将30例中央性前置胎盘或胎盘植入的产妇分为观察组和对照组各15例,对照组产妇采取传统剖宫产术的手术配合与护理,观察组产妇术前先行子宫动脉介入治疗,立即实施剖宫产术,并积极采取有效快捷的措施进行手术配合与护理,观察两组产妇术中出血量、子宫切除率、胎儿死亡率、产妇死亡率及住院天数。结果观察组与对照组胎儿死亡率及产妇死亡率无显著差异(P>0.05),但观察组产妇术中出血量、子宫切除率及住院天数均明显少于对照组,组间差异显著(P<0.05)。结论术前经子宫动脉介入治疗中央性前置胎盘或胎盘植入的产妇,立即实施剖宫产术,并积极采取有效快捷的措施进行手术配合与护理,可有效减少剖宫产术中出血,增强产妇及胎儿安全保障。 Objective To explore the operative cooperation and nursing for cesarean section following uterine artery interventional therapy. Methods Thirsty delivery women with central type of placenta previa or placenta accrete were randomly divided into study group(15) and control group(15) ,and the control group take the traditional cooperation and nursing for cesarean section, the study group take uterine artery interventional therapy before cesarean section. Observe and compare the operative bleeding volume, the ratio of hysterectomy, the fetal mortality, the mortality of delivery women and the inpatient days. Re.suits The fetal mortality and the mortality of delivery women were no significant difference between the study group and the control group(P〉0. 05) ,but the operative bleeding volume, the ratio of hysterectomy and the inpatient days of the study group were significantly lower than the control group(P〈0. 05). Conclusion Taking uterine artery interventional therapy before cesarean section for delivery women with central type of placenta previa or placenta accrete, which can reduce the operative bleeding volume, and add the security of the baby and the delivery women.
出处 《西部医学》 2013年第5期794-795,共2页 Medical Journal of West China
关键词 介入治疗 中央性前置胎盘 剖宫产 手术配合 Interventional therapy Central type of placenta previa Cesarean section Operative cooperation
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