Sales promotion is an important marketing tool that uses time pressure to induce customers to make immediate purchasing decisions, while deceptive promotion is a fraudulent one that exploits the designing principles of common sales promotion. Under conditions of a deceptive promotional activity, whether a consumer makes a decision to buy or not to buy something is closely related to his or her rationality, perception of time pressure, and overconfi- dence. According to literature review, time pressure can be divided into three dimensions as personal time limit, promotion duration, and perception of opportunity costs. Meanwhile, overconfidence can be broken down into two dimensions as exaggeration of per- ceived benefits and negligence of perceived risks. Based on these analyses, statistical software is employed to analyze data collected from a consumer survey in order to testify the proposed model of consumers' cognitive mechanism in deceptive promotional activities as well as relevant hypotheses. The results prove that overconfidence has positive correlation with time pressure of deceptive promotion and it strongly affects the purchasing intention of deceptive promotional goods. Therefore, it can be concluded that overconfidence is a hot emotional state induced by deceptive promotion, which is capable of explaining cognitive mechanism in these purchasing conditions. From the perspective of each spe- cific dimension, it is also found that both promotion duration and perception of opportunity costs are more likely to arouse overconfidence than that of personal time limit. It is noted that promotion duration has greater influence on negligence of perceived risks than on exaggeration of perceived benefits, while the perception of opportunity costs has greater influence on exaggeration of perceived benefits than on negligence of perceived risks. In addition, both exaggeration of perceived benefits and negligence of perceived risks, these two dimensions of overconfidence enhance the purchasing intention of deceptive promotional goods, but exaggeration of perceived benefits in particular has greater influence on the purchasing intention.
Nankai Business Review
Deceptive Promotion
Decision-making Mechanism
Time Pressure
Purchase Intention