
创伤性脑损伤诱导海马细胞凋亡模型的建立 被引量:6

Establishment of hippocampal cellular apoptosis model induced by traumatic brain injury in rats
摘要 目的 建立用于研究创伤性脑损伤诱导海马细胞凋亡的模型。方法 Wistar大鼠单侧大脑皮质承受不同高度 ( 2、5、和 10cm)下落的 10g重锤打击 (皮质压缩幅度 3mm) ,致轻、中、重度脑损伤。观查 1~7d脑含水量、组织病理学变化及原位末端标记法 (TUENL)检测伤侧海马凋亡细胞的变化。结果 伤侧皮质和海马损伤程度与重锤下落的高度有关 ,轻、中度损伤各时相点脑含水量无明显变化 ,重度损伤组 3~ 7d脑含水量显著高于轻、中度损伤组。 2cm·10g仅致皮质轻微挫伤 ;5cm·10g致皮质挫裂伤 ,而海马结构正常 ;10cm·10g使皮质及海马均发生挫裂伤。电镜下凋亡小体的呈现以及海马TUNEL阳性呈色反应出现于中度损伤组的各时相点 ,而轻度和重度损伤组凋亡小体及TUNEL阳性反应的呈现则不明显。结论 中度重锤打击损伤可有效诱导伤侧海马发生凋亡样细胞死亡。 Objective To establish a model of traumatic brain injury for studying hippocampal cellular apoptosis. Methods Mild, middle and severe brain injury were established by a 10 g weight bar dropped from 2 cm, 5 cm, and 10 cm, respectively, upon the Wistar rat′s cortex of brain, the compression of the cortex was limited to 3 mm. Changes of water contents of brain and histopathology were observed and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) mediated dUTP nick end labeling 1 d to 7 d post injury were studied. Results Degree of damage of cortex and hippocampus ipsilateral to the focus was related to the height from which the bar was dropped. Brain water contents had few changes in groups of mild and middle, except group of severe which was significantly increased as compared with that of the formers. Strike with 2 cm·10 g led to cortex slight contusion without hippocampus injury. Hit with 5 cm·10 g brought about cortex contusion and laceration and kept hippocampus intact. 10 cm·10 g caused both cortex and hippocampus damages. Changes of apoptotic body and TUNEL positive reactions were found in groups of middle at each time point, but which was not obvious in mild or severe groups. Conclusions Traumatic brain injury caused by middle weight drop can effectively induce hippocampal cellular apoptosis.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第9期826-830,共5页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目!(39670 740 )
关键词 创伤性脑损伤 海马 动物模型 细胞凋亡 traumatic brain injury hippocampus apoptosis model
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