
木瓜果肉浸渍发酵果酒工艺研究 被引量:7

Effects of Cold & Hot Impregation on Papaya Wine Fermentation
摘要 对比研究了冷热浸渍对木瓜果酒酿制的影响。采用3个对照组同时进行试验:无浸渍直接发酵,冷浸渍发酵和热浸渍发酵。结果表明,发酵前热浸渍处理,可增强木瓜果酒色泽,出汁率提高了12.05%,酿造的木瓜果酒单宁含量提高了13.79%、总酚含量提高了5.35%;发酵前冷浸渍处理总酚含量提高了2.4%。 The effects of cold hot impregation on papaya wine fermentation were investigated.Three experimental groups were divided including direct fermentation group,cold impregation fermentation group and hot impregation fermentation group.The experimental results showed that hot impregation before the fermentation could enhance wine color and papaya extracting rate by 12.05 %,and tannin content in the produced wine increased by 13.79 % and total phenol content increased by 5.35 %.For cold impregation before the fermentation,total phenol content in the produced wine increased by 2.4 % than that by direct fermentation.
出处 《酿酒科技》 北大核心 2013年第6期91-93,共3页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
基金 粤港招标项目(2008A024200002) 广州市攻关项目(09A32080517)资助
关键词 果酒 发酵 浸渍 papaya fruit wine fermentation impregation
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