
热轧钛板成材率的影响因素与提高措施 被引量:3

The Influence Factors and Improving Measurements of Hot Rolled Titanium Plate Yield
摘要 钛及钛合金板材成材率低是目前国内外钛材加工生产中普遍存在的问题之一。针对这一实际问题,首先概述了影响热轧钛及钛合金板材成材率的因素,主要包括板材的品种与规格、烧损量、切损等,然后结合西部钛业有限责任公司板带厂在钛板生产中的实际情况,从减少热烧损、控制同板差与异板差、控制平面形状、优化方案设计、减少切损等方面重点阐述了提高热轧钛板成材率的措施。生产试验表明,采用优化过的生产方案后,热轧钛板材的成材率由80%提高到了82%,生产成本得到了有效降低。 The yield of titanium and titanium alloy plate is so low that has become one of the prevalent problems in the titanium industry. So the influence factors on the yield of hot rolled titanium and titanium alloy plate were firstly dis- cussed, which included varieties and specs, burning loss, cut loss and so on. Then combining the actual situation of Plate and Strip Group in Western Titanium Technologies Co., Ltd., the measurements for improving the yield was pres- ented. A high yield could be obtained by reducing burning loss, controlling intra-plate and extra-plate gauge devia- tion, regulating plan view pattern, optimizing project of production, decreasing cut loss and so on. The result of pro-duetion indicated that the yield of hot rolled titanium and titanium plate could be increased from 80% to 82% by the optimized production decision, which result to a lower cost than that of the former projec.
出处 《钛工业进展》 CAS 2013年第3期32-35,共4页 Titanium Industry Progress
关键词 热轧钛板 成材率 切损 同板差 平面形状控制 hot rolled titanium plate yield cut loss intra-plate gauge deviation plan
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