
气相色谱-质谱法同时测定皮革制品中10种有机锡化合物 被引量:7

Simultaneous Determination of 10 Organotin Compounds in Leather Products by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
摘要 建立了气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)同时测定皮革制品中10种有机锡化合物的分析方法。应用液液萃取提取皮革制品中的有机锡,通过四乙基硼化钠衍生后,采用GC-MS进行测定,内标法定量。结果表明,方法的线性范围为20~500ng/mL,相关系数≥0.9990;方法的定量限为0.05mg/kg,平均回收率为80.1%~111.0%,相对标准偏差小于9.6%。该方法准确、灵敏,可用于皮革制品中10种有机锡化合物的分析。 The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)was used for simultaneous determination of 10 organotin compounds in leather products,which involved liquid-liquid extraction of organotin compounds from leather samples,derivatization with NaBEt4and analysis of the ethyl organotins by GC-MS,quantified by internal standard method.The linear calibration curve was obtained in the range of 20-500ng/mL with a correlation coefficient above 0.9990.The limits of quantification were 0.05mg/kg and the average recoveries were in the range of 80.1%-111.0%for 10 organotins with the relative standard deviations below 9.6%.This method is accurate and sensitive,and it is suitable for the analysis of organotins in leather products.
出处 《分析科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期401-404,共4页 Journal of Analytical Science
基金 国家级公益性行业科研专项(No.201110041)
关键词 气相色谱-质谱法 有机锡 皮革制品 乙酰化 Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Organotin Leather products Acetylation
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