
岱庄煤矿旋转调斜开采工作面顶板运动监测分析 被引量:6

Analysis on roof movement behavior workface during rotational adjustment in Daizhuang mine
摘要 通过监测岱庄煤矿1341工作面在旋转调向期间、里外段厚薄综采设备无煤柱对接时及外切眼以外回采时支架的受力状态,从工作面推进方向和侧向两个方面研究采场顶板运动规律。研究结果表明:正常时期老顶周期来压步距11.5m,第一次旋转期间顶板来压步距8m,第二次旋转时6m,无煤柱对接时直接顶周期来压步距5.6m。顶板侧向周期断裂跨度10.52m,受推进方向上顶板周期来压影响,侧向顶板断裂不明显。在工作面进行旋转开采和无煤柱对接时,周期来压步距比正常回采时小而且与正常回采情况相比支架承载压力较大。旋转调斜期间工作面不同部位顶板来压时间有所不同,按上中下的顺序逐步垮落。研究成果为合理确定顶板控制设计方案、支架适应性分析提供科学依据。 Based on the pressure monitoring of the support in Daizhuang Mine's 1341-workface during the rotational adjustment, the abutting j ointing time of the mechanized mining equipment without coal pillar and the normal recovery time, behavior of the roof movement is researched in two aspects which are the longitudinal and advance direction. The results show that:the periodic weighting step of main roof during the recovery is 11.5m long; the roof weighting step is 8m long during the first rotation, 6m long during the second rotation,the weighting step of immediate roof is 5.6m during abutting jointing without coal pillar, which is shorter than the periodic weighting step during the recovery, but the pressure are greater in the workface^and the lateral fracture span of the roof is 10.52m whose impact is not obvious to the pressure because of the periodic pressure. Due to the pressure in the different parts of workface is different during the rotational adjustment,the roof fall first in the top face,then in the center and last in the bottom, the results provide a scientific l^uidance to the suDportin~ and the design of the roof control.
作者 张洪鹏
出处 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2013年第6期75-77,共3页 China Mining Magazine
关键词 旋转调斜 矿压监测 跨落步距 侧向断裂跨度 rotational adjustment ground pressure monitoring roof weighting step lateral fracture span
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