
OPNET在水声通信网中的应用研究 被引量:2

Research on underwater acoustic communication network with OPNET
摘要 首先,介绍水声通信网的产生背景、发展概况及应用潜力。从水声通信网的定义出发,分析复杂多变的水声网络特点及其网络拓扑结构。其次,详细论述大型网络仿真软件OPNET在水声通信网中的应用研究现状:概括水声网物理层的研究内容,重点分析数据链路层和网络层,包括多址技术、随机接入协议和路由协议的选择。最后,对当前水声通信网络研究中存在的问题进行分析,提出今后急需开展的研究方向。 The backgrounds, the developments and the potentials of underwater acoustic communication network are introduced in this paper. The characteristics and the topology of the complex network are analyzed based on the definition of UACN. And the application researches of the OPNET, an important network simulation software, are concluded in underwater acoustic communication system. The brief introduction of the researches about the physical layer of UACN is also given. Then the data link layer and the network layer, including multiple access technology, the choice of random access and the routing protocols are mainly concluded. Finally, current research problems or deficiencies of the UACN researches are analyzed, and the research direction or work in the future is given.
作者 谭盛彪 刘俊
出处 《数字通信》 2013年第3期37-41,共5页 Digital Communications and Networks
关键词 OPNET 水声通信 多址技术 协议 OPNET underwater acoustic communication multiple access technology protocol
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