
银行高管非金融从业经历与银行风险承担行为 被引量:5

The Non-Financial Experience of Bank Executives and the Risk-Taking Behavior of Banks
摘要 本文基于32家商业银行2007~2011年的数据,从银行高管非金融业从业经历的角度研究银行的风险承担行为。研究表明,银行高管非金融业从业经历对风险承担行为具有抑制作用,而且银行高管在非金融业中担任高管的经历会增强这种抑制作用。此外,上市与否、持股高管比例、董事会独立性和银行性质,对银行高管非金融从业经历与风险承担行为间的关系有显著影响。政府部门在对银行业进行监管时,不应仅考虑银行规模、性质等因素,还应进一步考察银行高管的非金融业从业经历,利用银行高管的非金融业从业经历达到风险监管的目的。 Based on the data of 32 commercial banks during 2007-2011, this paper researches the risk-taking behavior of the banks from the perspective of the non-financial experience of bank executives. The results show that the non-financial experi- ence of bank executives has inhibitory effects on risk-taking behavior, and their executive experience in non-financial enter- prises enhances the inhibitory effects. In addition, stock-being-listed, the ratio of the shares held by executives, the indepen- dence of the board of directors and the properties of the bank have significant influence on the relationship between the non-fi- nancial experience and the risk-taking behavior. When the government supervises banks, it should not only consider the faetors such as sizes and properties of the banks, but also investigate the non-financial experienee of bank executives, and utilizes the experience to supervise risks.
作者 邹飞 王宗润
机构地区 中南大学商学院
出处 《金融论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期9-15,71,共8页 Finance Forum
基金 中南大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2012zzts048) 国家自然科学基金项目(70973145) 教育部"新世纪人才支持计划"(NCET-11-0524)
关键词 商业银行 银行高管 非金融从业经历 风险承担 风险监督 commercial bank bank executive non-financial experience risk-taking risk supervision
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