
心血管内科临床护理工作的风险分析与对策 被引量:29

Risk analysis and Countermeasures of Clinical Nursing Work in Cardiovascular Medicine Department
摘要 目的分析心血管内科临床护理工作的风险因素,探讨护理风险防控对策。方法以我院2011年1月至2013年1月期间收治的136例心血管内科疾病患者为研究对象,回顾性分析其临床护理病历资料,统计风险事件发生率,剖析护理工作中潜在的风险因素,并探讨护理风险的防控对策。结果本组136例患者中,共有18例(13.24%)患者发生护理风险事件。风险事件包括:坠床、跌倒、换错液体、标本送检错误、护患纠纷及其它。风险因素包括患者及家属因素(16.67%)、护理人员因素(61.11%)、药物和医疗器械因素(11.11%)及其它(11.11%)。风险防控对策为:①加强健康宣教;②提升护理人员的专业素质;③加强器械及药物安全管理;④加强病区环境管理。结论心血管内科临床护理工作的风险较高,患者及家属因素、护理人员因素及药物和医疗器械因素是构成护理风险的主要因素,加强护理风险防控措施是提高护理质量的重要途径。 Objective To analyze the risk factors of clinical nursing work in cardiovascular medicine department, and explore the countermeasures for prevention and control of nursing risks. Methods 136 patients in cardiovascular medicine department in our hospital from January 2011 to January 2013 were selected as the research object. The clinical data were analyzed retrospectively to summarize the incidence of risk event, explore the potential risk factors during nursing work, and explore the countermeasures for prevention and control of nursing risk event. Results Risk events occurred in 18 cases (13.24%), including falling from bed, falling down, wrong replacement of liquid, wrong samples for inspection, nurse-patient disputes and others. The risk factors included dependents (16.67%), nursing staff (61.11%), medicines and medical instruments (11.11%), and others (11.11%). The countermeasures were as followed: ① strengthening health education; ②improving the professional quality of nursing staff; ③strengthening the management of instruments and drug safety; ④ strengthening the management of ward environment. Conclusions Clinical nursing work in cardiovascular medicine department has higher risk. The main risk factors are patients and dependents, nursing staff, medicines and medical instruments. Strengthening the countermeasures for prevention and control of nursing risks is the important way to improve the nursing quality.
出处 《临床医学工程》 2013年第6期733-734,共2页 Clinical Medicine & Engineering
关键词 心血管内科 临床护理 风险 Cardiovascular medicine department Clinical nursing Risk
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