
加强农业科研单位工程建设管理的做法与思考 被引量:7

Practice and Thinking of Strengthening Management of Engineering Construction in Agricultural Research Institutions
摘要 文章以江苏省农业科学院为例,介绍了基于计算机软件Java平台开发出来的工程建设管理系统,详细阐述了该系统4个子平台(工程信息录入平台、工程实施单位管理平台、综合管理平台、后台管理平台)的功能,如工程立项网上申报、招标文件网上审批、评标结果网上公布、经费支付网上联动审签,以及工程建设进展状况在线查询、各类已建在建工程项目数据统计等功能,并指出该系统具有提高工程项目管理的科学化水平、提高制度执行力、提高监督管理的有效性等现实意义,以期通过该系统的开发和应用,提高农业科研单位工程建设管理水平,有效预防工程建设领域里腐败发生。 Taking Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science as an example, a system for managing engineering construction was developed in the paper based on Java platform. The system contains four platform which are project information entry platform, project implementation units management platform, complex management platform and backstage management platform. The functions of these platform were elaborated in detail, such as applying project on line, auditing bidding documentary on line, announcing the results of bidding on line, examining and approving payment on line, inquiring process of construction on line, data statistic of building at present or in the past on line. This system can lift the level of management of engineering construction, raise the authority of engineering construction and supervise effect. The development and application of this system can raise level of management engineering construction in agricultural science research units and prevent corruption in this area.
出处 《农业科技管理》 2013年第3期25-27,60,共4页 Management of Agricultural Science and Technology
基金 江苏省农业自主创新农业经济与科技发展项目(JK1219)
关键词 农业科研单位 工程建设管理系统 功能 意义 反腐倡廉 Agricultural science research units System of engineering construction Function Significance To combat corruption and build a clean government
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