
CAD/CAM系统及可切削材料在口腔修复的应用现状 被引量:27

Application status of CAD/CAM systems and machinable materials in prosthodontics
摘要 随着患者对修复体美观性和生物相容性要求的进一步提高,同时伴随着高强度可切削材料的发展,计算机辅助设计与制作(CAD/CAM)系统以其高效率、高精确性等诸多优点在临床中的应用日趋广泛。本文就国内外CAD/CAM系统及可切削材料在口腔修复的应用现状做一介绍。 With the patientsj increasing demand for aesthetics and biocompatibility of prosthesis and with the devel- opment of high strength machinable materials, CAD/CAM sys- tems have been widely used for its high efficiency and accura- cy. This article provides the overview of present clinical appli- cation of CAD/CAM systems and machinable materials in prosthetics.
作者 赵昕 战德松
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2013年第6期331-337,共7页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 CAD CAM系统 全瓷冠 可切削材料 CAD/CAM system all ceramic crown machinable material
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