

Discussion on Breeding and Cultivation Techniques of New Cucumber F_1 Hybrid Baitai
摘要 黄瓜新品种百泰是引入长春黄瓜材料,通过7代单株自交选择最终选育而成的强雌系CUM07183为母本,以日本引入材料后代经8代单株自交选择而成自交系CUM07096为父本配制的一代杂种。植株长势较旺盛,节间较短,叶色深绿;果实商品性好,外皮深绿,瓜条顺直,果肉淡绿色,刺白色,果柄短、较粗,商品果长31 cm左右;抗病毒病,适于东北地区温室栽培。在阐述黄瓜新品种百泰选育过程的基础上,对其特征特性、产量表现及抗病性进行了介绍,并论述了其栽培技术要点。 New cucumber variety Baitai was a new cucumber F1 hybrid by crossing pistillate line CUM07183 which selected by inbred seven generations from materials introduced from Changchun and CUM07096 which selected by inbred eight generations from materials introduced from Japan. It had strong growth vigor, short internodes and dark green leaves. The fruit was good merchandise with dark green skin, straight shape, light green flesh, white thorn and short regard. The fruit was about 31 cm in length. It was resistant to CMV. And it was suitable cultivation for greenhouses in the Northeast China. Based on elaborating the selection process of new cucumber variety Baitai, the characteristics, yield performance and resistance were introduced. Then, its cultivation techniques were discussed.
出处 《园艺与种苗》 CAS 2013年第5期47-49,共3页 Horticulture & Seed
关键词 黄瓜 百泰 杂交种 Cucumber Baitai Hybrid F1
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