
混粉电火花加工温度场的计算与分析 被引量:13

Calculation and analysis for temperature field of powder-mixed fluid EDM
摘要 火花放电时形成的放电蚀坑的大小与形状对电火花加工表面粗糙度有重要影响 ,而放电蚀坑的形成又与放电时在工件表层产生的温度场有关。本文通过对火花放电时在工件表层形成的温度场的计算 ,分析了影响放电蚀坑深度的因素及影响规律 。 The discharge crater formed by EDM has important influence to the EDMing workpiece surface roughness,and the discharge crater is influenced by temperature field formed by electric discharge.In this paper the temperature field in workpece surface layer is calculated.The factors that influence the discharge crater depth and their rules are discussed.By using the discuss result the mechanism for powder-mixed fluid EDM is made clear.
机构地区 哈尔滨工业大学
出处 《电加工与模具》 2000年第2期4-6,共3页 Electromachining & Mould
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