
基于实测数据统计的声纳噪声分布研究 被引量:2

Distribution of Sonar Noise Research Based on Data Statistics
摘要 在复杂的水声环境下,声纳探测误差是一个随机过程,其分布往往不是理论上的正态分布或者瑞利分布。由于真实声纳目标试验有限,缺乏数据样本。为了探究声纳误差分布规律,综合采用正态性检测和非参数统计数方法,对某型声纳的实测方位误差数据进行了分布检测。检测发现,相比于传统认为的正态分布和瑞利分布,声纳误差分布更加贴近于K分布,为测试和指导与声纳相关的仿真算法的研究提供了依据。 As ocean environment is complex,the error distribution of sonar is not Norm or Rayleigh distribution which is always assumed by command and control system.In order to study the error distribution of sonar,normal distribution detection and non-parametric statistics were used in this paper to test the distribution of the real sonar error. We found that real sonar error seems like to be K distribution rather than Norm or Rayleigh distribution.This discovery can help us to improve the performance of sonar and the command of control system.
作者 黄斌
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期195-199,共5页 Computer Simulation
关键词 声纳噪声 探测误差 分布 检测 Sonar noise Measurement error Distributed Detect
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