
薄壳山核桃试管离体培养中不定芽诱导及增殖技术的研究 被引量:5

Adventitious bud induction and proliferation of Carya illinoensis in vitro culture
摘要 以薄壳山核桃实生幼苗具腋芽茎段为外植体,进行试管离体培养,以期研究其不定芽诱导及增殖技术。试验结果表明,在温度为28℃,光照度1 500 lx,光照时间为14 h/d的培养条件下,以MS+6-BA 4.0 mg/L+IBA 0.01mg/L为组成的培养基较适宜诱导供试外植体上不定芽的发生,诱导率达87%;以1/2MS+6-BA 2.0 mg/L+IBA0.1 mg/L为组成的培养基较适宜进行芽苗增殖培养,增殖系数为5.1。 An experiment was conducted on Carya illinoensisin vitroculture with the nodal stem segments excised from the newly-grown shoots of the seedlings,aiming to approach the techniques of adventitious bud induction and proliferation.Results showed that the modified MS supplemented with 6-BA 4.0 mg/L+IBA 0.01 mg/L was optimal for the adventitious buds induction,with a maximum induction up to 87%,while the modified 1/2MS with 6-BA 2.0 mg/L+IBA 0.1 mg/L was suitable for tube-shoot multiplication and the multiplication factor was 5.1.The above-mentioned culture was maintained at a constant temperature of 28 ℃,with 1 500 lx illumination and a 14L∶10D photoperiod.
出处 《江苏林业科技》 2013年第3期10-14,共5页 Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science & Technology
基金 江苏省林业三新工程项目(LYSX[2013]06)
关键词 薄壳山核桃 具腋芽茎段 不定芽 诱导 增殖 Carya illinoensis K.Koch Nodal stem segment Adventitious bud Induction Proliferation
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