
腰围身高比值评价严重中心性肥胖及体质量过低的适宜切点 被引量:6

The optimal cut-off values of waist-to-height ratio for detecting severe central obesity and low body weight in adult Chinese population
摘要 目的探讨腰围身高比值(WHtR)评价我国成年人群严重中心性肥胖和体质量过低的适宜切点。方法采用国家“八五”和“九五”攻关课题2次横断面调查的资料,共人选35~59岁人群30630名。以预测心血管病危险因素异常(包括高血压、空腹血糖异常、总胆固醇升高、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇过低)及危险因素聚集(同一个体同时具有上述2个及以上危险因素)的特异度超过90%时所对应的WHtR值,作为严重中心性肥胖的WHtR切点值;通过计算人群WHtR分布,采用医学参考值百分位数的方法,以第5百分位数WHtR值作为体质量过低的WHtR切点值。结果WHtR评价男性、女性严重中心性肥胖的切点值分别为0.54和0.57。WHtR对各危险因素单独进行评价,WHtR切点值男性为0.54~0.55,女性为0.57~0.58。评价体质量过低的WHtR切点男性和女性均为0.40。结论综合WHtR对危险因素聚集及各独立危险因素的预测效果,并根据实用方便的原则,建议评价我国男女性成年人群严重中心性肥胖和体质量过低的WHtR适宜切点值分别为0.57和0.40。 Objective To explore the optimal cut-off values of waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) for detecting the severe central obesity and low body weight in adult Chinese population. Methods A total of 30 630 participants aged 35 -59 years from different areas in China's Mainland were surveyed for cardiovascular diseases risk factors in two independent cross-sectional studies that carried out in 1992 -1994 and 1998, respectively. Indices, such as sensitivity, specificity for hypertension, abnormal glucose, high serum total cholesterol, low serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol and clustering of risk factors (number≥ 2) were calculated to evaluate the efficacy individual cut-off point of WHtR. The cut-off point value for obvious central obesity was fixed on the point whose specificity of the point was gathered more than 90%. And the cut-off point value to indicate low weight was determined by the percentile distribution of WHtR, at which the 5th percentile of point, both in male and female population. Based on the principle of convenient and practical for use, the optimal cut-off point values of WHtR for low weight and obvious central obesity were determined. Results The cut-off values of WHtR to detect severe central obesity were 0. 54 and 0. 57 for men and women, respectively. Additionally, the cut-off points of WHtR for each of the 4 cardiovascular risk factors to evaluate the severity separately ranged from 0. 54 to 0. 55 in male, and ranged from 0. 57 to 0. 58 in female. The 5th percentile of WHtR, which was the point value of WHtR to indicate low body weight, was 0.40 in both male and female population. Conclusion Our data suggest that the optimal cut-off value of WHtR for defining severe central obesity and low body weight should be 0. 57 and 0. 40, respectively.
出处 《中华心血管病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期607-610,共4页 Chinese Journal of Cardiology
基金 基金项目:国家“八五”科技攻关项目(85-915-01-01) 国家“九五”科技攻关项目(96-906-02-01)
关键词 肥胖症 瘦弱 危险因素 Obesity Thinness Risk factors
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