
厘米级遥感影像用于伊春地区次生林空间结构调查 被引量:1

Centimeter-Level Remote Sensing Imagery in Spatial Structure Survey of Coniferous Secondary Forest
摘要 利用无人机航拍获取的厘米级遥感影像分析针叶林空间结构,通过对比分析混交度、角尺度的实测数据和大小比数取值意义,研究厘米级遥感影像用于调查平坦地形针叶林空间结构的可行性。结果显示:样地混交度计算结果没有误差,样地角尺度的平均误差为2.7%,绝对误差值为0.01,混交度和角尺度的航测取值意义与实测结果一致;样地航测大小比数反映的林分竞争现状与实测结果基本一致。研究表明,利用厘米级遥感影像可用于调查平坦地形针叶次生林的空间结构。 An investigation was conducted to obtain the spatial structure parameters of coniferous forest by using the centimeter- level high-resolution UAV remote sensing imaging system. Compared with the significances of angular scales, the mingling index, neighborhood comparison index from measured data and aerial survey data, the feasibility of centimeter-level high- resolution UAV remote sensing imaging system were focused on flat terrain coniferous spatial structure. There is no ming- ling error rate, the average angular scales absolute error is 2.7%, the mean absolute error is 0.01, the mingling index and angular scales by aerial survey is identical to field survey, and the neighborhood comparison index of the stand competition situation by aerial survey corresponds with field survey. Therefore, UAV remote sensing can be utilized to survey flat ter- rain coniferous spatial structure.
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期139-143,共5页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
关键词 厘米级遥感影像 角尺度 大小比数 混交度 相对误差 Centimeter-level high-resolution remote sensing imaging Angular scales Neighborhood comparison in-dex Mingling index Relative error
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