
葛宝和教授针刺治疗白癜风经验举隅 被引量:6

Experience from Professor GE Bao-he on Acupuncture for Vitiligo
摘要 葛宝和教授认为白癜风的发病主要与精神情志及体质因素有关,其主要病机为肝肾功能失调,导致气血亏虚,营卫失调,血虚生风,皮毛腠理失养。在疾病的不同阶段,其病变机制也不同,辨证分型主要分为肝郁气滞型、肝肾不足型、气滞血瘀型。针刺治疗从肝肾入手,标本兼治,以补益肝肾、和血祛风为主,并配合疏肝理气、活血化瘀之法。处方选穴以背俞穴、辨证取穴为主,结合病变局部围刺,针刺操作注重治神与守神。 The professor GE thinks that the vitiligo is mainly because of the emotion and constitution, and the main pathogenesis is the maladjustment of liver and kidney, which leads to deficiency of Qi and blood, lack of Ying qi and Wei qi, and then the internal Feng pathogen can generate the shortage of blood and Qi energy of skin and muscle. The pathogenesis is different in different phases and includes Qi stagnation of liver, the defi- ciency of the liver and kidney, the stagnation of Qi and blood. The therapies of acupuncture for this disease are mainly on the liver and kidney for the real pathogen, to nourish the liver and kidney in order to expel the internal Feng , and associate with modulating the qi energy of liver, or promoting blood circulation by removing blood sta- sis. The prescription for the acupoints is focused on back Shu points, and the selection of different acupoints de- pends on different symptoms with needling the surrounding of the pathological skin . Besides, pay more attention to Shen energy.
出处 《针灸临床杂志》 2013年第7期84-86,共3页 Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion
关键词 白癜风 针刺 背俞穴 辨证选穴 治神 Vitiligo Acupuncture Back Shu points Points selected on the basis of sydrome differentiation Modulating Shen energy
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