
成都市植物园绿地地被植物调查与评价研究 被引量:12

Investigation and Evaluation on Ground Covers at Botanical Garden of Chengdu
摘要 以成都市植物园绿地地被植物为研究对象,对其应用种类、形式进行调查与分析,并根据地被植物特点特性从观赏性、适应性和适用性建立应用质量综合评价体系,运用AHP层次分析法和K-Means聚类分析法对主要地被植物进行评价和分级,并介绍了地被植物在园内主要应用形式,涵盖了与花坛、路缘、滨水、林下、草坪、山石配置。对应用于园内38种主要地被植物逐一进行应用质量综合评分。结果表明:成都市植物园内应用地被植物共计93种,隶属47科、82属;其应用质量达标率为97.39%,能够满足园内生态功能、美化功能和社会功能要求。 Taking ground covers at botanical garden of Chengdu as materials,its varieties and application forms were analyzed, after investigating ground covers at botanical garden of Chengdu. Associated with characteristics of ground covers, an evaluation system was given which concerns ornamental value,adaptability and applicability. Ground covers were evaluated and divided into grades by analytic hierarchy process and K-Means cluster analysis. Main patterns of landscaping of ground covers were introduced, such as associated with flower beds, roads, steam, trees, lawn, rocks and so on. 38 main ground covers that used in botanical garden were comprehensively evaluated by application quality one by one. The results showed there were 93 species of ground covers that subordinate to 82 categories,47 families in botanical garden of Chengdu. The percentage of ground covers that meet the demands of ecology,beauty,social function was 97. 39%.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第15期96-100,共5页 Northern Horticulture
基金 四川省科技支撑计划资助项目(2012GZ0097) 成都市科技支撑计划资助项目(11DXYB289JH-027)
关键词 地被植物 应用 评价 层次分析 成都市 ground covers application evaluation analytic hierarchy process Chengdu
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