把医院的门诊药房改为药品零售企业 ,切不断医和药之间直接的经济联系 ;“以药养医”的问题解决不了 ,可能还会出现“两头翘”的情况。我国医药市场存在着三大特殊性 ,增加了医药体制的认识和改革难度。必须降低药品的虚高价格 ,以此为突破口来规范药品生产经营秩序。
Even if drugstore in policlinic became drug retail trade, the direct economic relationship between medical and medicine can not be cut. The problem of medicine supporting medical can not be solved. The medical price and medicine price may both rise. In china, three particularities in medical market enhanced the difficulties in understanding and reforming medical system. To standardize medicine product and management, the false price of medicine must be reduced.