目的 探讨利用螺旋CT建立上颌骨复合体三维有限元模型的高度数字化方法 ,建立一个具有生物力学特性的动态的上颌骨复合体三维有限元模型。方法 采用螺旋CT扫描及三维影像重建技术 ,数字影像传输与转录以及自编程序与ANSYS软件相结合的方法。结果 获得形态细致逼真的颌面骨三维重建生物医学模型。建立了健康人上颌骨复合体三维有限元模型 ,由 2 6 0 2个单元和 45 95个节点组成。探索出一条数字化程度高、适用于活体的三维有限元建模方法。结论 应用螺旋CT断层扫描、数字影像传输与转录技术以及自编程序和ANSYS软件相结合的方法 ,建立上颌骨复合体三维有限元模型是切实可行和有效的。
Objective To develop a method to construct three dimensional finite element (3-D FE) model which may express biomechanic dynamic state characters of normal maxillary complex. Methods SCT image reconstruction technique, digital image transfer and transcription and 3-D FEM were used in combination with self programming and ANSYS soft ware. Results A 3-D FE model of normal maxillary complex is constructed. The elements and nodes of the model are 2 602 and 4 595. Conclusion The method to develop a model of maxillary complex adopting SCT 3-D image reconstruction technique, image transfer and transcription, and 3D FEM are feasible and effective.
Chinese Journal of Stomatology