[Objective]The aims of this study were to develop EST-SSR primers which were used to evalu- ate the genetic diversity and genetic relationships of apple germplasm resources. [Method]Thirty five pairs of EST-SSR primers were developed by using SSR locus located in Malus EST from NCBI database, and Ma/us EST-SSR system was constructed in this study. Sixteen pairs of primers were selected to investigate genetic relationships of 118 apple resources. [Results] Sixteen pairs of primers were selected by Polyacry- lamide gel electrophoresis (T=8%) according to the standard of polymorphism and stability. The sixteen pairs of primers amplified 138 alleles, with an average of 8.62 alleles per locus. The polymorphism per- centage of amplified loci was 81.8% to 100%, and the average polymorphism rate was 94.2%. Based on the SSR results, the similarity coefficient of the 118 cultivars distributed in the range of 0.48 to 1.00. Ac- cording to the constructed UPGMA cluster, the 118 cuhivars could be classified into five groups at 0.65. Group I contains most of the 118 cultivars, Group I1 , m, rv, v contain 12, 11, 3 and 2 cultivars re- spectively. Group V has a distant relationship with the other groups. [Conclusion]The selected EST-SSR primers developed from apple EST database would be suitable for evaluating the genetic relationship of apple germplasm resources.
Journal of Fruit Science