
不同保水性鸡肉的品质比较和相关性研究 被引量:23

Comparison of Chicken Meat Quality with Different Water-holding Capacity and Correlation Analysis
摘要 采用聚类分析方法将随机取样的18只白羽肉鸡的胸肉聚为低汁液损失率组(汁液损失率<2%)和高汁液损失率组(汁液损失率≥2%),比较两组鸡肉的蛋白质、肌纤维结构等特点,研究其造成保水性差的原因。结果表明:与低汁液损失率组相比,高汁液损失率组的样品宰后pH值较低,亮度值较高,肌节变短,肌纤维空隙面积变大,总蛋白质溶解性较低。差示扫描量热法(DSC)测定结果显示高汁液损失率组肌球蛋白头部变性温度(T1)和肌球蛋白尾部及肌浆蛋白变性温度(T2)显著低于低汁液损失率组,说明高汁液损失率组的肌球蛋白更易变性。通过相关性分析将鸡肉保水性差的原因归结于低pH值、蛋白质变性和肌纤维结构的变化。 Chicken breasts from eighteen white broilers were divided into lower drip loss group(drip loss 2%) and higher drip loss group(drip loss ≥ 2%) through cluster analysis.The protein and structure of muscle fibers were compared,and correlation analysis was conducted.The results showed that the higher drip loss group had lower pH,higher L* value,shorter sarcomere and larger ratio of extra cellular space and poorer total protein solubility when compared with the lower drip loss group.The denaturing temperature(T1) of the head of myosin protein and that(T2) of the tail of myosin protein and sarcoplasmic protein in the lower drip loss group were lower that in the higher drip loss group as examined by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC).These results indicated that more pronounced denaturation of myosin protein in meat from high drip loss group happened than that from that low drip loss group.The reasons for unacceptable water-holding capacity were attributed to the lower pH and the denaturation of protein as well as the change of muscle fibers.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第13期45-49,共5页 Food Science
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAD70B02) 国家现代农业(肉鸡)产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-42)
关键词 保水性 蛋白溶解性 差示扫描量热法 肌纤维结构 water-holding capacity protein solubility DSC muscle fiber structure
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