人类基因组计划 (HGP)经过 10年的实施 ,已取得巨大成果。该计划将显著改变医疗科学 ,同时也潜伏着新的危险。随着HGP的发展 ,人类社会在基因检查、药物基因组研究及基因治疗等三大应用领域有着美好的发展前景 ,同时也面临着新的困境。在将HGP成果应用于人类社会时 ,我们必须及时考虑和解决所涉及的伦理、道德和社会等问题 ,从而使HGP成果更好地为人类社会服务。
The Human Genome Project (HGP) has made great progress in ten years.HGP is producing a information that will illuminate secret of life.The effort could revolutionize medical science.But new dangers are arriving,too.Confronted with the dilemmas posed by new technology related to gene tests,pharmacogenomics and gene therapy,human need to make efforts to study and resolve ethical,legal and social quandaries.HGP will demand more guidance when technical gains are applied into human society.
Medicine and Philosophy