

Preparation of Submicro-sized TiO_2 Mesoporous Aggregates and Their Application in the Anthode of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
摘要 由纳米晶二氧化钛组成的亚微米二氧化钛亚多孔聚集体以其巨大的比表面积、特殊的双孔洞结构等特性使染料敏化太阳能电池效率得到大幅提升,引起了人们的广泛关注。综述不同粒径的亚微米级二氧化钛多孔聚集体的制备方法,对其粒径、比表面积等特性以及由其组成的不同膜厚的散射层对DSSCs效率的影响进行总结,并对其在染料敏化太阳能电池中的作用机理的进一步深入研究进行展望。 At present, the typical photoanode of one DSSC is always constructed in the form of a bi-layer structure with a scatting layer which often casts on a mesoporous nanocrystalline TiO2 film. Recently, submicro-sized mesoporous TiO2 aggregates assembed by packed nanocrystaUites have recieved lots of attention as the prominent representative of submicrometer-sized TiO2 be- cause they have greatly improved the IPCE of DSSCs for their unique well-developed bi-pore structure facilitating electrolyte diffusion and high surface area which can loads more dyes. This re- view mainly concludes the effects on DSSCs caused by various submicrometer-sized TiO2 mesopo- rous aggregates and the scatting layers fabricated from them.
作者 王辉 姜年权
出处 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2013年第4期29-32,共4页 Journal of Xianyang Normal University
关键词 染料敏化太阳能电池 亚微米二氧化钛多孔聚集体 散射层 DSSC submicrometer-sized Ti02 mesoporous aggregates scatting layer
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