
便携式超声心动图仪在急诊中的临床应用价值 被引量:5

Clinical value of portable echocardiography in emergency room
摘要 目的探讨便携式超声心动图仪在急诊中对协助急危重症的诊断、鉴别诊断及监测治疗相关急症诊疗中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析武警北京市总队第二医院2011年12月至2012年10月行急诊床旁超声心动图检查的120例病例。结果 120例患者通过便携式超声心动图仪检出95例异常超声心动图改变,诊断阳性率为79.1%。95例病例中有45例冠心病,床旁超声检出32例,超声检测的准确率为71%,10例心脏瓣膜病,床旁超声检出9例,准确率为90%,12例高血压性心脏、6例各种原因引起的心功能不全、4例心肌病、4例心包积液,急诊床旁超声检出准确率为100%,5例主动脉夹层准确率为80%,6例先天性心脏病准确率为83.3%,3例肺栓塞通过急诊床旁超声均未检出。结论便携式超声心动图仪检查方便、较为准确,对心脏相关急症的诊治具有重要的临床应用价值。 Objective To explore the clinical value of portable echocardiography in the diagnosis and treatment of critical heart diseases. Methods One hundred and twenty patients who received emergency bedside echocardiography examination in Beijing Corps Second Hospital of Chinese People Armed Police Forces from Dec 2011 to Oct 2012 were retrospectively analyzed. Results Ninety-five patients were diagnosed abnormal echocardiogram by bedside echocardiography in the 120 patients (positive rate for diagnosis,79.1%). Among the 95 cases,32 of 45 coronary heart disease cases were diagnosed by bedside echocardiography. The accuracy rate of bedside echocardiography in coronary heart disease was 71%. The accuracy rates of bedside echocardiography in hypertensive heart disease (12 cases),heart failure (6 cases),cardiomyopathy (4 cases) and pericardial effusion (4 cases) were 100%. The accuracy rates of bedside echocardiography in valva heart disease (10 cases),aortic dissection (5 cases) and congenital heart disease (6 cases) were 90%,80% and 83.3%,respectively. None of the three pulmonary embolism cases was diagnosed by bedside echocardiography. Conclusions There is certain clinical value in portable echocardiography for the diagnosis and treatment in critical heart diseases.
出处 《北京生物医学工程》 2013年第4期412-414,411,共4页 Beijing Biomedical Engineering
关键词 急诊 床旁超声心动图 emergency treatment bedside echocardiography
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