

摘要 为进一步探求纳米氧化铝的尺寸和晶型与混合炸药爆轰参数之间的有机联系,以九水硝酸铝和黑索金为原材料,按1∶8的质量比将两者均匀混合配制出密度约为0.8g/cm3的混合炸药在爆炸罐内进行爆轰实验研究,爆轰实验产物为灰色粉末。通过高分辨率透射电镜和X光衍射仪器对产物进行检测分析,分析结果表明产物为纳米氧化铝,氧化铝颗粒形状呈标准球形,大部分颗粒尺寸小于100nm,少量颗粒尺寸大于100nm,颗粒平均尺寸为30nm左右,氧化铝晶型为γ型。实验结果进一步证明了混合炸药中黑索金含量越高,爆轰合成的纳米氧化铝尺寸越大。 In order to research the relations between the composite explosives with different parameters and the phases, nanodimensions of nanometer alumina resulted from the explosives, the detonation experi- ment has been conducted in an explosive container with the mixed explosive of about 0.8g/cm3 density which was made of aluminum nitrate and RDX with a mass ratio 6/48 (in grams). The results of transmis- sion electron microscope morphology analysis and x-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the reaction product were aluminum oxide powder, all granules of aluminum oxide were spherical. The major granule size was less than 100nm, the minor granule size was more than 100nm, and the average size was about 30nm. The aluminum oxide was ), phase. The experimental results further indicated that the higher the content of RDX in the mixed explosive, the greater the average nanocrystal size of nanometer Alumina.
出处 《工程爆破》 北大核心 2013年第4期54-56,60,共4页 Engineering Blasting
基金 国家自然科学基金(10902126) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2010EL016) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(247201313CX02088A)资助
关键词 爆轰 纳米 γ型氧化铝 爆轰参数 Detonation~ Nanometer ~γ-aluminum oxide ~ Detonation parameter
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