在用能值分析对盐城自然保护区两种人工湿地研究的基础上 ,对其可持续发展提出了建议。在缓冲区建立以获取经济效益为目的的鱼塘是必要的 ,它为自然保护事业的发展提供了足够的资金反馈 ;为了减轻由于湿地开发带来的珍禽的生境压力 ,在核心区的边缘必须建立以招鸟为目的的水禽湖。水禽湖对鱼塘的面积比须在 0 .1 9和 8.0 0之间。当比例是0 .1 9时 ,系统获得最大经济效益 2 .1 3× 1 0 3US$ /a.hm2 ,当比例是 8.0 0时 ,系统获得最大生态效益 1 .1 8× 1 0 3US$ /a.hm2当比例是 0 .3 1时 ,系统获得相等的生态和经济效益 ,其和是 3 .79× 1 0 2 US$ /a.hm2 比例 0 .3 1是保护区较优的选择。在此模式运作几年后 ,鱼塘须被改成水禽湖 ,且被划入核心区进行严格管理 ,核心区被扩大。同时 ,建议在江苏省“海上苏东”发展计划对海涂湿地大力开发的同时 ,必须建立一定比例的适于珍禽栖息活动的人工湿地 ,扩大自然保护规模 ,以保护珍贵的生物多样性资源。
A study on emergy evaluation of two kinds of original wetlands in Yancheng Natural Reserve was conducted.Suggestions on the sustainable development are given.In order to relieve the habitat pressure of coastal birds,it is necessary to build waterfowl ponds at the edge of the core zone.Fishponds can be built in the buffer zone,which will gain large economic benefits to maintain the feedback to waterfowl ponds and fishponds.The ratio of the waterfowl ponds area to fishponds area must fall between 0.19 and 8.00.When the ratio is 0.19 the reserve will gain the greatest economic benefits 2.13×10 2 US$/a·hm 2;When the ratio is 8.00,the reserve can gain the greatest ecological benefits 1.18×10 3 US$/a·hm 2.A moderate ratio between 0.19 and 8.00 ensures a sustainable development.When the ratio is 0.31,the reserve will gain equal economic and ecological benefits with the sum 3.79×10 2 US$/a·hm 2,and it is suitable for the development of Yancheng Natural Reserve.Developing eco tourism is good supplement to building artificial wetlands.The fishponds now built in the buffer zone should be changed into waterfowl pond to accommodate more coastal birds several years later,and they should be included in the core zone for strict management.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
emergy evaluation
emergy indices
sustainable development
Yancheng Natural Reserve