
10MW高温气冷实验堆事故分析的结果与对策 被引量:2

Results of HTR-10 Accident Analysis and Relucted Countermeasures
摘要 1 0MW高温气冷实验堆 (HTR 1 0 )的事故分析表明 ,在设计基准事故和严重事故条件下 ,HTR 1 0的堆芯燃料元件的最高温度和反应堆冷却剂系统的压力都低于规定的安全限值 ,燃料元件和冷却剂系统压力边界都能保持其完整性 ,不会造成裂变产物大量向外释放。根据事故分析结果并参照国外高温气冷堆安全运行的管理实践经验 ,针对HTR 1 0所提出的一系列事故对策有效地保证了HTR 1 0在较高的安全水平上进行设计、建造、运行及管理等 ,能够确保HTR 1 0、人员。 The accident analyses have been an important part in safety analyses of HTR 10. According to the analyses of some extreme situation in design base accidents and serious accidents of HTR 10, it is shown that the maximum temperature of fuel elements and the pressure of reactor coolant system are significantly less than prescriptive safety limits. The fuel elements and the pressure boundary of reactor coolant system can maintain their integrity,with no fission products released. The safety of HTR 10 has been demonstrated in the analyses. On the basis of accident analyses and refering to some experiences of the HTR in the world, these countermeasures to the accidents ensure effective design, construction, operation and management of HTR 10 on high safety level. Thus the safety of HTR 10, presonnels, society and environment can be ensured.
出处 《核科学与工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期146-153,共8页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
关键词 高温气冷堆 核安全 事故分析 事故对策 HTR-10 HTR 10 nuclear safety accident analysis accident countermeasure
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  • 1清华大学核能技术设计研究院,10MW高温气冷实验堆环境影响报告书INET 60 67,1999年
  • 2清华大学核能技术设计研究院,核研院核设施应急计划INET 1959,1999年
  • 3清华大学核能技术设计研究院,10MW高温气冷实验堆最终安全分析报告 INET HTR 10 FSARA版,1998年




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