研究了由吡啶制备对氨基吡啶的方法 ,在两个方面取得了进展。其一是用 TS— 1分子筛代替醋酸或邻苯二甲酸酐作为合成 N—氧化吡啶的催化剂 ;其二是用 Pd/Al2 O3 作为催化剂通过催化加氢制备对氨基吡啶。TS— 1及 Pd/Al2 O3 作为催化剂不仅具有较强的催化活性 ,稳定性和重复使用性 ,而且极大地减少了副产物的生成 。
In this paper, the prepartion of p-aminopyridine from pyridin e has been studied. The progress have been made in two respects .First,the pyridine-N-oxid e was syntheszed over TS-1 molecular sieve catalyst in palce of acetic acid or ph thalic anhydride .Second ,the p-aminopyridine was prepared with Pd/Al 2O 3 cat alyst by catalytic hydrogenation.TS-1 and Pd/Al 2O 3 catalysts not only had hi gher catalytic activity and stability,but also reduced the production of by-prod ucts,the pollution to environment and the corrosion to equipment.
Journal of Jinzhou Normal College (Natural Science Edition)